Nutritional Benefits of Cacao: Flavanols by Kyla

While cacao supports us emotionally, spiritually, and energetically, she also supports us physically. Cacao is loaded with micronutrients that support health and vitality, and included in these nutrients are flavanols. These special compounds are a type of plant nutrient found in many other foods – such as blueberries, apples, pears, cherries, peanuts, tea, and red wine – but they are found in especially large quantities in the seeds of the cacao tree, aka cacao beans (Godman, 2015).

Flavanols have been studied for many years by people like Dr. Miguel Alonso-Alonso, a neuroscientist with a specific interest in nutrition who works at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. According to Dr. Miguel, “...from laboratory and animal studies, we know that flavanols facilitate brain cell connections and survival, and protect brain cells from toxins or the negative effects of inflammation” (Godman, 2015). These special compounds have also been shown to improve blood flow to the brain and heart, prevent blood clots, and fight cell damage (Godman, 2015). Another study was done by researchers at Columbia University’s Irving Medical Center, in collaboration with Marse Edge, and found that cacao flavanols may be linked to age-related memory function, playing an important role in slowing, and possibly preventing, declines associated with normal aging (Sloan et al., 2021). 

Similarly, according to Harvard Health, cacao flavanols have recently been linked with improved thinking skills (Godman, 2015). The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition released a study conducted by a group of Italian researchers who tested the effects of these flavanols on 90 healthy individuals aged 61- to 85- years old. The results showed that after eight weeks, people who consumed medium to high amounts of cacao flavanols every day made significant improvements on tests that measured attention, executive function, and memory (Godman, 2015). Another study by the same Italian researchers looked at daily consumption of these flavanols in older adults who did suffer from mild cognitive impairments. The results showed daily consumption is associated with improved thinking skills in these adults as well (Desideri et al., 2012). Additionally, both studies found that cacao flavanols were associated with reduced blood pressure and improved insulin resistance (Godman, 2015).

These flavanols not only support cognitive health but also support cardiovascular and heart health. Various changes occur as a natural part of aging, one of which is stiffening of the blood vessels. This makes blood vessels more susceptible to damage and slows down delivery of oxygen to the tissues. Flavanols help this issue by increasing elasticity of blood vessels, making dilation of the blood vessels more responsive to blood flow. In turn, this improves blood supply and therefore oxygen delivery to tissues (Mars Edge, 2022a). Similarly, unhealthy levels of cholesterol in the body can result in fatty plaque build-up that causes the arteries to narrow, known as atherosclerosis. Fortunately, cacao flavanols also help maintain healthy cholesterol levels in the body, reducing risk of atherosclerosis (Mars Edge, 2022a).

While these flavanols are extremely beneficial for human health, the flavanols found in cacao are highly vulnerable to destruction from the moment of harvest, specifically during processing. With this in mind, One World Cacao processes each cacao bean by hand, preserving as many of these beneficial compounds as possible; you can trust that your cup of cacao is filled to the brim with love, nutrients, and lots and lots of flavanols!


Desideri, G., Kwik-Uribe, C., Grassi, D., Necozione, S., Ghiadoni, L., Mastroiacovo, D., Raffaele, A., Ferri, L., Bocale, R., Lechiara, M. C., Marini, C., & Ferri, C. (2012). Benefits in Cognitive Function, Blood Pressure, and Insulin Resistance Through Cocoa Flavanol Consumption in Elderly Subjects With Mild Cognitive Impairment. Hypertension, 60(3), 794–801.

Godman, H. (2015, February 5). Cocoa: a sweet treat for the brain? Harvard Health.

Mars Edge. (2022a). Cardiovascular & Heart Health Effects of Cocoa Flavanols | Mars Cocoa Science.

Mars Edge. (2022b). Cognitive & Brain Health Effects of Cocoa Flavanols | Mars Cocoa Science.

Sloan, R. P., Wall, M., Yeung, L.-K., Feng, T., Feng, X., Provenzano, F., Schroeter, H., Lauriola, V., Brickman, A. M., & Small, S. A. (2021). Insights into the role of diet and dietary flavanols in cognitive aging: results of a randomized controlled trial. Scientific Reports, 11(1).

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