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5:30 PM17:30


Take a journey with us and dive into the mystery and magic of cacao and creation! How in our lives can we apply sacred focus and sacred action to give life and energy to the seeds we have planted in the past and those that have yet to come?

We'll gather fireside under full moon light for a cacao and ritual burning ceremony releasing identities and energies that we no longer are and welcome in that which is yet to be birthed from within us, on the eve of Thursday August 31st.

To open our evening Nola will offer everyone a Copal blessings and sacred smudge and share story, science and mythology about this truly profound & sacred bean (ceremonial grade cacao) and how its re-emergence in the world is no accident, yet part of a Universal transformation taking place upon this planet and beyond. Nola will take the time to share as we open our evenings gathering how cacao can serve and assist and deeply enrich each of us uniquely and collectively throughout any and all the cycle's of our lives.

Our journey together with be centered upon releasing all limitations and tossing them in the sacred fire! Powerfully stating our intentions and how we would like to move into the end of summer and beginning of autumn's months. Each of us will have time alone with the fire, to speak silently (or aloud) from and to our hearts and souls. Magic truly is afoot.

Our guided meditation journey will follow with a beautiful integration and welcoming from our Divine Light & Mind into the next evolution of ourselves.

During these ceremonies, many of us experience Cacao’s medicine as being in spiritual partnership with our soul’s truth and intuitive bodies – igniting their presence in our awareness. This may be an opportunity to open our hearts to what is possible.

We will connect, share our hearts, spirits and minds and allow anything no longer serving our highest good to be washed through us.

Come relax by the fire with the a hot mug of the world's purest ceremonial cacao and smiling faces to surround! Each participant will receive a surprise One World Cacao gift to bring home and continue their own journeys and integration within.



INVESTMENT: $60 (sliding scale possible for those truly in need)

TO REGISTER : space is limited - pre-registration required :


(please include email address and full name if using Venmo)


Come hydrated and bring a water bottle (purified water and hot cacao tea will be available in addition to our ceremonial cacao)

A Cozy Blanket & beach chair, we will be sitting outside fireside

A Journal for reflection and any sacred items you would like to add to altar or anything you wish to release to the fire.

Additional paper and pens will be provided for the ritual burning.

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6:00 PM18:00


Connection | Intention | Community

It is in the container of community and connecting our High Minds and High Hearts together that we as One make little bits (or lots) of sense of it all.

Where we connect, relate, share stories, fears and wisdoms and realize we are not alone in this journey and help is always near.

If you are feeling a bit shaken up these days and needing grounding and clarity and a deep moment to pause within a soft, wise, guided and sacred space to retreat within yourself for answers and guidance, this ceremony is for you. This is a space to fill our cups and restore our "honey in the heart" feeling of purpose and connection to our inner world.

Ceremonial Cacao is a salve, and a nectar of Divine Origins for our hearts and minds, that when consumed with purity and welcomed in Reverence opens a world of healing and love unlike any other.

Nola, our guide has been working with ceremonial cacao for over a decade as a healing medium and will steward an inner Shamanic Journey for us where we will meet with potent allies within, holding morsels of light, insight and aspects of you, ready to return home... to you.

The powerful and sacred medicine of ceremonial cacao is here for you, and quite possible calling to you in this moment, to join us for this Full Moon Cacao Ceremony.

To welcome the nectar of the gods into your life, to shed anything no longer serving and make room for more of You.

During these ceremonies, many of us experience Cacao’s medicine as being in spiritual partnership with our soul’s truth and intuitive bodies – igniting their presence in our awareness. This may be an opportunity to open our hearts to what’s possible!




Newport, RI

Recommendations on what to bring:

~ Mug/Your favorite warm beverage vessel ( no glass please)

~ Water bottle (no glass please)

~ A journal for reflection and intention setting (to burn in friendly fire) and any sacred items you would like to add to our Ceremony Altar

~ We will be outside and recommend bringing warmth and layers and please bring a sheepskin, mat or blanket for seating. Anything desired to make yourself a "cozy cocoon" 😉

~ A light meal is recommended an hour or more before the ceremony

~We will be outside in my beautiful home and we will have ceremonial cacao available for anyone wishing to bring it home and continue their ceremony.

~ Limit your coffee and substance intake as it will alter the pure effects of Cacao

~ Bring an Open Heart and Open Mind

~ Ceremonial Cacao and Wellness offerings will be available for purchase at our ceremony so you can continue your journey and integration after wards!

It is with Great Joy I Welcome You!


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